**  HOA Template 2.1  **


Yard Waste
& Recycling

Canton Twp. provides an interactive map which shows when pick ups are made in various neighborhoods.  Parkwood Estates trash, recyclables and yard waste are picked up on Wednesday. 

Items should be placed out no later than 6:30 am on Wednesday.   The HOA asks the items be placed out no sooner than 6:30 pm Tuesday and that bins be stored in your garage or out of site along side you house.   Reminder, use only the 95gallon, ADAcompliant carts provided by Priority Waste for trash.

Canton residents should report missed Priority pickups using this internet form found on Canton's website. 

Priority Waste can be contacted on their website at  https://www.prioritywaste.com/contact/.

Canton's website provides the Priority holiday schedule  along with on-line answers to many of your simple recycling questions. 

You can also find complete guidelines for all forms of waste on this Canton Township webpage.

Curbside pick-up of residential yard waste begins the first week in April and ends the first week in December.   Christmas tree collections are made the first two weeks in January.  Yard waste guidelines can be found at the bottom this Canton Township webpage.

To avoid confusion yard waste should be placed with recyclables on the opposite side of your driveway from your trash.  Recycling placed in clear plastic bags and set next to trash will be considered refuse and collected with the trash.  More recycling information is found on our website.

You can contact Canton’s Division of Public Works at 7343971011 or via email at  dpw@cantonmi.gov.



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