**  HOA Template 2.1  **

Park Pavilions

Park PavilionCovered pavilions were added to each of our subdivision parks (Loveland, Blue Mountain and Winter).  The location of each pavilion was based on soil conditions, park entrances and proximity to the children's play area.

Pavilions are used for our annual Easter Egg Hunt, Subdivision Picnic and Fall Festival.

The Board of Directors would also like all residents in good standing to enjoy using the pavilions for  functions such as family gatherings, scout troop meetings and birthday or graduation parties.

Each pavilion can be reserved for a special occasion by contacting the Parks Chairman at least two (2) weeks prior to the date to be requested.  A permit will be issued for that day. There will also be a posting at the requested pavilion on the day reserved.  If you do not have a reservation you can still use the pavilion if no one else is using it; or, no one else has reserved it for that day.

Association park rules prohibit motorized vehicles of any kind in our parks.  Damage results from driving vehicles in the parks when grounds are wet.  In the event that a resident needs to bring a vehicle through the park permission MUST be obtained by contacting the Parks Chairman. The Parks Chairman will-notify the other Board members. Until permission is given, vehicles are not allowed to drive in the park.

If damage is done to the park, then the resident is responsible for repairing the damage. This includes ruts made by the vehicle, damage to playground equipment or trees or to other residents' property.




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