Canton Curfew Law
46-503. - Curfew.
It is unlawful for any minor under 17 years of age to be in
any public place between 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. It is unlawful for
any minor under 13 years of age to be in any public place between 10:00
p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
It is a defense to prosecution under subsection (a) of this
section that the minor was:
Accompanied by the minor's parent or guardian or an adult
designated by the minor's parent or guardian;
On an errand at the direction of the minor's parent or
guardian or an adult designated by the minor's parent or guardian,
without any detour or stop;
In a motor vehicle involved in interstate travel;
Engaged in an employment activity, or going to or returning
home from an employment activity, without any detour or stop;
Involved in an emergency. In this subsection, the term
"emergency" means an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the
resulting state that calls for immediate action. The term includes, but
is not limited to, a fire, a natural disaster, or an automobile
accident, or any situation requiring immediate action to prevent serious
bodily injury or loss of life;
Attending an official school, religious, or other
recreational activity supervised by adults and sponsored by the
township, a civic organization, or another similar entity that takes
responsibility for the minor, or going to or returning home from,
without any detour or stop, an official school, religious, or other
recreational activity supervised by adults and sponsored by the
township, a civic organization, or another similar entity that takes
responsibility for the minor;
Exercising First Amendment rights protected by the United
States Constitution, such as the free exercise of religion, freedom of
speech, and the right of assembly; or
Married or had been married or had disabilities of minority
removed in accordance with law.
It is unlawful for the parent, guardian or other person
having custody or control of any child to allow such child to violate
the provisions of subsection (a) of this section.
It is unlawful for the owner, operator, or any employee of
an establishment to knowingly allow a minor to remain upon the premises
in violation of subsection (a) of this section. It is a defense to
prosecution under this subsection that the owner, operator, or employee
of an establishment promptly notified the public safety department that
a minor was present on the premises of the establishment during curfew
hours and refused to leave.
(Ord. No. 81, as amended, § 47,
eff. 10-19-2000; Ord. of 12-14-2004)
law reference— Curfew, MCL 722.751 et seq