Parkwood Seal



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Board Procedures Association Board Procedures
Key Responsibilities

To facilitate proper functioning of the association board and ensure transparency the board has established the formation of Association Board Procedures & Responsibilities for key HOA positions.

These procedures and responsibilities are intended to capture institutional knowledge.  As such they should be considered a knowledge data base. 

Procedures are created by vote of the board.  In addition to the procedure, appendices are used to document information useful in carrying out the respective procedure.

Board procedures and responsbilities are written by lay people for lay people.  They are intended to aid the board in the day-to-day running of the association.  They are not considered legal binding documents.  Their language should be considered to use common dictionary terms.  Interpretation of board procedures shall be the responsibility of the association board and the board’s interpretation is final.

Questions about association procedures should be directed to the association secretary.


Creation, Approval and Amending
of Board Procedures

Creation, Approval and Amending
of Board Procedures DRAFT

Board Nominations & Proxy Voting

Conducting Board Meetings

Approval of Motions
Between Board Meetings NEW

Making Board Room Reservations

Privacy Procedure

Record Retention Procedure

Newsletter Procedure

Website Procedure

Annual Financial Reviews

Banking Procedure

Dues Collection Procedure

Financial Reporting Procedure

Record of Assets

Garage Sale

Curb Appeal Contest

Easter Egg Hunt

Summer Picnic

Fall Festival

Christmas Lighting Contest




Vice President



Parks Chairman


Block Capatins

Park Captains

Newsletter Editor NEW

Property Manager DRAFT






Sponsors of our
Parkwood Estates
Homeowners' Association

Moving the Mitten

HomeCraft Team

M&D Landscaping


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HOA Members
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